Friday, November 28, 2008

Taking a Break

It happens sometimes. Life gets too busy and you just can't do it all. Which is what is happening with me at the moment and it means I'm going to have to stop writing this blog. Maybe it will only be temporary, or maybe I'll move on to other things. Right now I don't know. But I want to thank everyone who ever read, or commented, or contacted me. I am always thrilled by the way the Internet connects people who would never meet otherwise. I have started a new blog for people who write fiction or would like to. If that interests you, please join me here.

Thanks and happy reading!


Bybee said...

I hope you'll be back to book blogging soon, although I fully understand about life intruding.

firstlinefiction said...

Thanks so much Bybee. You've been great, leaving so many nice comments. Take care.

Heather said...

I totally get you on this. I've been a very absentee blogger this past year. I suppose not having internet at home doesn't help. Best of luck.

SFP said...

I owe you an email on Hecht and I will eventually send it.

I've been lackadaisal about my own blogging this year so I understand the desire to give it up completely, but I do hope you'll back.

firstlinefiction said...

Thanks Susan. Don't worry about the email - would love to hear from you of course, but no need to put pressure on yourself. Take care.