Friday, January 25, 2008

Holy Birthdays!

Not only is it Robbie Burns Day (Oh, my love is a red, red rose) but it is also the birthdays of Somerset Maugham and Virginia Woolf. That's a lot of literary birthdays to celebrate in one day. Good thing it is a Friday! I cannot believe I didn't know that about Virginia Woolf. Wait until hub get home, his small drop of Scottish blood afire, and tells me it is Robbie Burns day and I say, "Actually it is Virginia Woolf day."

I''ll leave you with this quote from Room of One's Own as a tribute to the great Virginia Woolf:

"So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say. But to sacrifice a hair of the head of your vision, a shade of its colour, in deference to some Headmaster with a silver pot in his hand or to some professor with a measuring-rod up his sleeve, is the most abject treachery, and the sacrifice of wealth and chastity, which used to be said to be the greatest of human disasters, a mere flea-bite in comparison."

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