Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Copy Cat Globe

I had a busy weekend so am a bit late getting to the weekend edition of The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper. In the past I've caught the Globe stealing ideas before; sometimes The New Yorker will do a piece on some offbeat subject that will mysteriously be covered by the Globe a few weeks later. This time they stole from a blogger, specifically from Julie Wilson of the Seen Reading blog. For a few years now Julie has been noticing what her fellow transit riders are reading and reporting on it in the most delightful way on her blog. And that's just what the Globe did, minus the delightful part. In a rather dull, newspaperish way they simply stuck in the picture of five subway riders and gave a brief description of the books they were each reading. If you've not yet discovered the Seen Reading blog and want to see this idea done right (and you know you do) click here.

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