Friday, June 13, 2008

I wouldn't but maybe you would...

Yesterday I was browsing in a bookstore, just trolling down the fiction aisle the way you do when you're not looking for anything in particular, and I bumped into this woman around the letter R. She pointed to the row of Tom Robbins titles and said, "I slept with him once. Or at least, I thought I did."

"Really." (I was intrigued.)

"Yeah, it was years ago at a party. There were lots of book people there. It was loud and I didn't realize until afterwards his name was John Robbins, not Tom."

How do you respond to that?! So I said, "Better luck next time." Then I moved on to the letter S.


Bybee said...

"Better luck next time" seems like the perfect response.

firstlinefiction said...

Thanks. I admit I was a bit speechless.