Thursday, December 13, 2007

Book vs Movie

I just read that the movie Atonement has received a pile of Golden Globe nominations. I'm always a bit leery of movie adaptations of books I love. I know Atonement (the movie) has been getting good reviews and I'll probably rent it on DVD at some point, although it might take awhile. I finally rented Possession a few weeks ago. I let it sit on the shelf at my local video store for years before finally taking it home simply because I loved A.S Byatt's novel so much. I think short stories make better sense for film adaptations than novels do. A short story can be lingered over whereas a novel always ends up feeling so whirlwind and rushed on the big screen. Two recent examples of short stories that made good films were Brokeback Mountain and Away From Her. Hopefully we'll see more of that. It would be wonderful for both short story writers and film makers.

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